8VC’s CEO criticizes San Francisco

It is scary to move to or visit San Francisco nowadays since it is not what it was. The policies and the party that runs the city have made dramatic changes to the point where the city is turning upside down. Some may say it is still okay for some but not for others, especially business owners.

Drew Oetting, the CEO of 8VC, said that San Francisco has the worst governor in the United States. Increased crime, homeless people, taxes, and COVID lockdowns are just a few examples he gave. Others he did not mention include open drug usage, the high cost of gas and energy, the high cost of housing, and the lack of consequences for withdrawing stuff from storage up to a certain amount without paying. As a result, it is not surprising that additional tech enterprises, such as HP and Oracle, have to relocate. This is the same with other businesses and residents who have relocated to other places. Businesses are suffering financial losses, while safety and security in public spaces and at home are nonexistent.

The head of Bloomberg Beta, Roy Bahat, looks at things differently than Oetting. He still feels optimistic about San Francisco. He told Oetting that the Bay Area would still be known as a technology hub. Maybe for now. However, it is uncertain that it will stay that way in the long run if the current situation in the city has no change for the better. The majority of people are on the move to find an affordable and safe state or area for themselves, their families, and children. Tech companies in San Francisco and Silicon Valley stopped hiring or went through massive layoffs due to the economic crisis. The city will suffer as a result of the population reduction, rising unemployment, rising living expenses, deteriorating living and working circumstances, and unfavorable policies and legislation.

Bahat said that other states anti-abortion laws and restrictions on the discussion of sex changes in schools did not fit the way of life of the liberal tech workers. It depends on how liberal they are. Not all liberals support abortion or the current events around the world, let alone letting political legislation take away the U.S. Constitution’s rights. It depends on how welcome the states are to these liberal tech employees and how they rate the workplace environment and working conditions. It depends on what IT company they work for and where they are located. Travel costs for abortion appointments are covered by tech businesses that pander to the woke mob. However, it’s unclear how this would apply to IT businesses that relocate to places with anti-abortion laws.

Oetting is right about his statement, even though Bahat does not agree with him. Leftist policies have changed San Francisco to the point where it is unrecognizable. Bahat’s claim about the technology hub’s location and liberal IT employees is proving false. Social issues are on the rise while people and companies are moving away.


Tech exec blasts San Francisco: ‘Worst run city in the United States’

Author: maureen l