Resident Alien Season 1 Review

Resident Alien (2021 – ) is an American sci-fi comedy TV series created by Chris Sheridan that premiered on SyFy, Peacock, and Bravo. It’s based on the comic book “Resident Alien” written by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse. 

After a crash-landing on the Colorado Mountain, an extraterrestrial is strained in the community with his mission still on his mind to destroy humanity. He takes on the human form of Dr. Harry Vanderspeigel (played by Alan Tudyk) and learns how to be a human by watching TV.  Meanwhile, he searches for his pieces of spaceship along with the body of real Dr. Harry before someone else does. One day, two sheriffs (Sherriff Mike played by Corey Reynolds and Deputy Liv played by Elizabeth Bowen) tells him that he needs to examine a victim who is a town doctor. He reluctantly goes with them, and that’s when he first interacts with humans and meets a kid who can see his extraterrestrial form. 

The crash-landing on earth sets the character development of Dr. Harry. It’s this event where his journey living among humans begins. The small town of Patience is a place where he learns the good sides of humanity instead of just perceiving the bad ones. It is a place where he learns about his inner self and what it means to be a human as he spent more time interacting with humans. For example, his friendship between Astra (played by Sara Tomko) and Max (played by Judah Prehn) makes him question about his objective and his role on earth. Is he becoming more human or is he still an alien? Should he still complete his mission or not?

The ending of Season 1 suggests that Dr. Harry’s adventure isn’t over yet. He still has some unfinished businesses. For example, on his way back to his planet, he encounters an awkward situation again, and he expresses his frustration by saying “This is some bullshit.” Besides, the sheriffs are still investigating the murder cases.

Overall, Season 1 has a good storyline. The opening scene just gives enough detail of where the story is heading and where the problems begin. Flashbacks start in the beginning of each episode. Also, each flashback scene is related to what each episode is about.  

Rating: 9/10

Author: maureen l