Spy X Family Season 1 Episode 18 Review

In this episode, Henderson announces the midterm exam is coming up. It is another opportunity to get two Stella or two Tonitrus Bolts. Anya thinks she can ace the exam by reading Damian’s mind, but no. The new moon will be in eclipse during the exam. That means it will block her telepathic skill and force her to study. Yor suggests having Yuri come over and tutor her. Loid agrees. He has a plan in place to prevent Anya from failing in the interim and discovering yet another unexpected outcome.

Yuri tutors Anya at Forger’s apartment just because his sister asks him to. He does not like Anya, as expressed in his inner voice, but he still tutors her. He thinks his sister will like him more than Loid if he helps Anya ace the examination. He gives her questions that are above her grade level, but she surprises him. She answers all the questions correctly by reading his mind. Even though the scene does not show it, her inner voice and dialogue indicate that she uses her telepathic skill to cheat.

Yuri is impressed, but Anya isn’t after she remembers she can’t read people’s minds. He asks her how she gets all the questions right, and she simply replies that it is a lucky guess. Yuri buys into her explanation, which seems odd. He always second-guesses Loid in Episodes 8, 9, and now this episode. He does not trust or believe what Loid says, but he believes Anya.

As Yuri patiently teaches her various subjects to pass the exam, his impression of her slowly fades. When he asks her a grammar question as they are lying on the ground, she has no idea what he is asking. At once, he gets up on the floor and stomps out of the apartment. He gives up tutoring her.

The following scenes introduce a new character, Daybreak, to contract between him and Loid, the secured area of Eden Academy and the outcome of Anya’s test. Daybreak is careless. He does not disguise himself like Loid does to avoid anyone noticing him in the future. He does not have an ID to show the security guard when Loid provides an extra ID in case of an unexpected situation. He is not as calm as Loid when the security guard demands to see his ID, regardless of who he says he is. He accidentally knocks down the school statue. Others include breaking the windows and leaving traces, and Loid has to pick up his mess to avoid any problems. He wants to be noticed and has his own autograph, which annoys Loid.

The place where the exams are placed is surprising. It resembles the safe room in the bank. Security guards patrol the area. School staff lock the exam in the vault with a door that looks like a bank vault door. Loid and Daybreak have to go through the security guard in order to walk through the hallway building and get into the vault.

The outcome of Anya’s test seems to indicate that Loid has adjusted her grade when he is in the vault. He corrects Damian’s test, and it is assumed that he will go over her test too. Even though the scene does not show whether he does it or not, the pattern of him making sure that everything is on track suggests that he does. Her grade, which is listed on the billboard along with other students’ grades, also suggests that he does.

However, the assumption gives out the wrong signal. Loid’s inner voice says that she passed the exam by herself. Also, when her rank is not on the top list like Damian’s. Did Loid adjust her grade? If so, why does he adjust it, and how come her rank is not on the top list like Damian’s? Is it because he does not want others to suspect her of cheating since her scores on all her homework and quizzes have been low?

Episode 18 focuses on two parts. The first part shows Anya’s obstacle of using her power to cheat and her tutoring time with Yuri. It does remind the time when Loid is tutoring Anya in Episode 1 until when Yuri loses his patience tutoring her. The second part is Loid’s plan. The second part is more interesting than the first. It has a lot of surprises. The introduction of a new character, the ending, and the protected area in school provide new information to move the plot forward.

Rating: 8.8/10

Characters in Episode 18Cast
Loid ForgerTakuya Eguchi, Alex Organ
Henry HendersonKazuhiro Yamaji, Barry Yandell
Anya ForgerAtsumi Tanezaki, Megan Shipman
Becky BlackbellEmiri Katou, Dani Chambers
Damian DesmondNatsumi Fujiwara, Caitlin Glass
Daybreak Yuichi Nakamura
 Yuri Briar Kensho Ono, Dallas Reid

Author: maureen l