14 thoughts on “US Olympic Teams allowed to go SUPER DUPER WOKE with SJW messages in trials!

    1. Thank you. More stuff will be coming in the future. This is just day one.

  1. I don’t want any of the woke athletes representing me or America in the Olympics. I want to know, Howard they oppressed, when everything is provided for them to go to another country, and play a game or sport, while getting paid to do so?

    1. 1st things first hows your hubby ?They all play the victim card. Even though they’re millanores doesn’t matter. They have it just ingrained in their DNA. It’s now part of their program so to speak. Much like a robot only without the fancy wires and computers. Most of these guys,didnt think this when they were young but college and the media are to blame.

      1. I’ve been good man my PayPal was messed up so I had to circumvent around it.It just took me a few hours lol. Glad to be here guys

    1. I think I know the problem. I checked PayPal and it looks like you are using a different email than the one you signed up with on PayPal. I think that is the issue.

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