Want to Talk to AI Jesus? No, Thank You. I will pass.

The AI chatbot version of Jesus Christ is here, created by The Singularity Group in Germany. It shares the wisdom found in the teachings of Jesus. It also answers questions on different topics, from romantic relationships to morality to video games. This raises questions about how the AI chatbot affects our lives.

Will individuals rely on an AI chatbot searching for answers to moral questions or on the Bible? Will it appear to most churchgoers in the future? What about churches that do not use robot priests? Will they decline? Will machines be revered as deities? 

I do not see AI or AI Jesus as a deity, nor can it replace our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. It has its flaws, unlike Jesus Christ, who has no sin but died for us for our sin. AI is created by humans, and humans have sin (Romans 3:23). Therefore, why would an AI god be as perfect as God, who created the heavens, the earth, and mankind in His own image (Genesis 1)? His knowledge and wisdom are beyond our reach, and He is an everlasting God (Isaiah 40:28). AI, on the other hand, extracts statistical patterns from the datasets of humans to produce an output, as faith leaders also stated. The vulnerabilities that hackers can hack into the system and its malfunction raise questions about AI immortality.

The debate over whether AI will affect religious beliefs is a concern, ranging from ethical to privacy issues. The most alarming matter is that AI could be used as a weapon against religion. One professional in the interview pointed out that the left does not like the higher power that sets standards of morality. In addition, religion is often blamed for problems that happen in society, and that is sad. What happened in the past seems to be reoccurring again, as if history or events have a way to repeat themselves. In the New Testament, it contains an account of the persecution of Christians. In modern society, Christians, churches, and schools are under attack around the world. 

Therefore, it is not surprising that AI chatbots could provide false teachings if they end up in the wrong hands and are given the wrong training. False teachers and twisting the gospel to fit their own agendas have been warned about in the Bible (I Timothy 6:3-5, 2 Peter 3:16, Galatians 1:6–9, 2 Peter 2:1–3, etc.). They deceived and confused others regardless of the biblical doctrines that revealed the truth about Jesus’ teachings. That is why additional biblical sources are necessary to make sure that the interpretation is consistent with the original source, as one faith leader pointed out.

In conclusion, the Bible is the book where moral questions can be answered, as one of the religious leaders suggested, not AI Jesus. Even though it shares the core of Jesus’s teachings and responses to users’ questions, the possibility of malfunctioning and providing answers not aligned with the King James Bible cannot be ignored. Also, it cannot take the place of God. For it to do that, it is putting Him in a box. It is treating Him as if he were man-made, like AI. However, God is more than just an AI. He is Alpha and Omega (Revelation 22:13).


You can ask AI Jesus about ‘the birds and the bees’ and other ‘wild questions’

AI May Become Left’s Most Potent Weapon Against Religious Faith and Truth, Expert Warns


Author: maureen l