WOKE Air Force trains Cadets to STOP using the words “Mom” and “Dad” through MARXIST propaganda!

As a veteran of the United States Navy, I am very disappointed in the direction of the military. Cultural Marxism is taking over. Traditional families are under attack by the Left. Marx, himself, hated the traditional family. I never thought I would see the day where the terms “Mom” and “Dad” would be under attack.

The Air Force now is training Cadets to NOT use the terms “Mom” and “Dad” because of inclusion. If you talk to 99% of people, they know that calling someone a mother and a father is not controversial. Do not tell that to the WOKE Air Force now.

This country’s future is not looking very bright when traditional families are under attack. The #1 way to destroy this country is to dismantle the neutral family. This is what the Marxist Black Lives Matter wants, and it is sad that the military is being run by Marxist.

We need to keep traditional families intact and stop destroying them. Cultural Marxism and Left-Wing propaganda have no place in our military. When the military falls, we will have lost our country. Guess who will benefit from our failure. It will be the Marxist Leninist of Communist China. America is destroying itself from within.

Author: John Matrixx